Important Toddler Milestones
Toddlers 1-3 Years: Watching Your Child Develop
Every child develops on his own timeline that is different from other children’s growth timeline. However, certain steps and milestones are just too important and essential that every child should achieve by a certain age.
Here is a checklist of toddlers’ typical milestones. Take a look at it and make use of it to have an idea on what to expect during the first three years of your child’s life and what kind of questions you need to ask his doctor in this regard.
But don’t forget that the following milestones are just an average. Some children reach them at an early stage and some others lack behind their peers.
Between 1 and 2 years old, most children:
- Follow orders or simple requests.
- Point out to things.
- Walk, run and climb stairs.
- Avoid obstacles.
- Disassemble things and then reassemble them.
- Throw and kick the ball.
- Stand on their toes and jump on their feet.
- Dance on the music.
- Eat and drink from the cup without any help.
- Call few things and images by their proper name when they are asked to.
- Try to cooperate with other children while playing.
- Show great interest and energy while highly depending on adults’ presence.
- Feel worried when separated from familiar persons.
- Get angry and stressed out when they are tired.
- Spell few words.
- Enjoy music.
- Spend time exploring and playing with things around them.
Between 2 and 3 years old, most children:
- Walk, jump and run more easily.
- Hold pens between their fingers.
- Use pens to draw lines and circles.
- Dress up with their mothers’ help.
- Open doors.
- Play with their peers that are most likely from the same gender.
- Refuse to share their toys.
- Feel more confident in themselves.
- Express more and more their fears and different feelings.
- Imitate others’ behaviors.
- Call familiar things with their proper name.
- Sort out things by form and color.
- Ask lots of questions.
- Tell stories and listen to same.
Those were the most important milestones for children between 1 and 3 years old. To help your toddler achieve them, we advise you to meet the following basic guidelines:
- Read to your child on a daily basis and encourage him to explore and try out new things.
- Play with your child matching games and ask him to search for things and call them by their name.
- Talk to your child as much as possible and help him develop his language skills.
- Teach your child some rhythms and songs.
- Discipline your kid and teach him the difference between right and wrong without recurring to sanctions and punishments.
- Stimulate your child’s capacities and abilities by taking him for walks and trips outdoors.
If you have any doubt about your child’s development and you suspect a delay of any kind, do not hesitate to contact his doctor and talk to him about your concerns, for early intervention can help your toddler a lot and make a great difference to his growth timeline.
Read More: How To Get Your Toddler To Be More Active?