Potty training toddlers

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Potty training toddlers

Infant Development and Growth
Mar 31, 2021
2 mins

Wondering how to potty train or when to start potty training? Read our potty-training tips and tricks to help toddlers hit the spot.

  • Look out for signs that your toddler is ready to try potty training. This will be somewhere between the ages of 2-3 years. 
  • They might tell you when they’ve done a pee or a poop in their diaper.
  • They might tell you as they're doing a pee or poop in their diaper. A running commentary—lovely!
  • They may fidget with their diaper or go somewhere quiet when they need to pee.
  • Don’t attempt to start toilet training when your toddler may be unsettled (e.g. house move, new sibling).
  • Let them have diaper-free time during the day, with the potty close at hand.
  • Invite your toddler to sit on the potty for a few minutes at set times each day (after meals, before bath time).
  • If your little one won’t sit still, try giving them a book to flick through.
  • If they won’t have a go at all, try them on a grown-up loo with a child’s toilet training seat. If they’re not quite ready yet, try again soon.
  • Accidents are inevitable so praise the successes, with lots of encouragement.

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