Every decision you take right now is already shaping your baby’s future. Because the next 1000 days are crucial we provided you with a series of articles about your baby's development, nutrition and more. So read on!

Preparing CERELAC is easy
Making a yummy bowl of CERELAC for your baby is so easy! You can do it anywhere, anytime. Just follow these simple steps. Learn how.
1 min to read

Why Does My Baby Hiccup So Often?
It Is Normal For My Newborn To Hiccup All The Time?
2 mins to read

How Does Breastfeeding Prevent Pregnancy?
Is It True That You Can't Get Pregnant While Breastfeeding?
2 mins to read

Baby-led weaning checklist
Wondering when to start baby food? Most babies are ready to start trying at around six months.
2 mins to read

Helping Your Baby with Reflux Sleep!
Reflux And Sleep
2 mins to read

Your little one now weighs around 150g and is looking more and more like a “real” baby every day. Read more about this week.
1 min to read

How To Rebuild Your Child’s Gut After Antibiotics?
Ways To Repair Your Kid's Gut Health After Antibiotics
2 mins to read

Common Health Conditions In Newborns
Illnesses And Conditions
2 mins to read

Activities To Do With Your Infant
Activities For Babies: 0 to 6 Months
2 mins to read

Probiotics and the Role they Play in Child Immunity
2 mins to read

Tips To Make Diaper Changes Fun For Your Baby
Stop The Diaper Change Battles!
2 mins to read

Love Your Body Before, During And After Pregnancy!
Learning To Love Your Body Image
2 mins to read

GENTLE OPTIPRO®: building the foundations of your child’s lifelong health
GENTLE OPTIPRO®, an optimized blend of proteins developed by Nestlé.1,2
3 mins to read

Your guide to starting solids
Congratulations on reaching this exciting milestone and have fun feeding your baby his first foods.
4 mins to read

Your 6 to 12 month old’s hunger & fullness cues
At this stage, your baby’s menu may have expanded to include more cereals and baby food varieties. His excitement over food can turn mealtime into a fun, playful experience for the both of you.
2 mins to read

Reflux In Infants: Symptoms, Treatments And Management Tips
What Mothers Need To Know About Acid Reflux In Babies!
3 mins to read

High Level Of Calcium In Infants… What to Expect!
Hypercalcemia In Early Childhood
2 mins to read

How to top and tail a newborn
Some babies love having a bath, while others need time to get used to it. For the first few weeks or so, you may want to top and tail baby instead.
2 mins to read

How to Protect Ourselves and Others From Infectious Diseases in General, and Coronavirus Specifically?
3 mins to read

How can i be sure i am giving my baby the best food?
I have started introducing my baby to solids. However, I don't know if it is better to make purées and compotes myself or give my baby jars of commercial baby food.
4 mins to read

How does baby's brain develop from birth to 3 years?
It is unbelievable watching my baby learn new things! Each day brings new progress and rapid learning. An Einstein in the making, who knows?
1 min to read

Don't forget your support system
Choosing to breastfeed is one of the most important decisions you can make regarding your baby's health.
3 mins to read

What Not To Feed Baby In The First Year!
Foods That Can Be Unsafe For Your Baby From Six Months To One Year
2 mins to read

What should I eat when I am breastfeeding?
I am tempted to "eat for two", avoid cabbage and drink lots of milk. Am I on the right track or have I got it completely wrong?
3 mins to read