Pregnancy Calculator & Weekly Calendar
Do you want to keep a track of your pregnancy on a weekly basis? Use our very own pregnancy calculator as well as our own calendar. These two tools will allow you to be able to get more knowledge about all the different pregnancy stages you will go through and the different types of symptoms, whether good or bad, that you will experience. Additionally, and most importantly, this will help you keep track of your baby's development.

Congrats on your pregnancy! If this is your first child, this first trimester, the first 12 weeks of your pregnancy, will most probably be a whirlwind of different questions. So many things to learn and remember! But do not worry. This page may have almost all of the answers you may need.

You are now at that point where you have more or less settled down in your pregnancy. This means it is now the time to focus on your little one. Continue to read on about weeks 13 to 25 and find out what all you will need to do for your little one’s healthy growth and development.

How time flies! Another milestone is now fast approaching. Do not stress, it is actually the last thing you should do. This third and final trimester – weeks 26 to 40 – should probably be your happiest time as you will now soon be meeting your little darling face to face! Continue to read for how you should prepare for that perfect moment.