Pregnancy Week 16
If you could see inside yourself and watch your growing baby, you would see him sucking his thumb! He has finally managed to get to his mouth. Read more about this week.
Your little one’s retinas start to work this week. However, don’t try and expose your belly to bright lights to see if your baby reacts - her neural circuits aren’t mature enough yet, and her sensory organs are still too fragile to be stimulated like that. If you haven’t already, it is possible that you feel your baby move for the first time this week (or in the coming weeks). These movements are still very light, so don’t expect massive sensations. Be on the lookout for what feels like butterfly wings inside your belly. Or small bubbles. It is exciting and wonderful when it happens, but don’t worry if you haven’t felt it yet - each baby grows at a different rate. Your baby is exactly where she’s supposed to be!
If you have been experiencing craving you might be wondering if it’s because you are lacking nutriments. No, it is simply a hormone-related side effect of pregnancy. You've probably noticed that certain foods seem "different" or less appetising. Others, however, feel like they are indispensable! Welcome to your body while pregnant. No rhyme or reason to it. Just do your best to think “moderation” in all you eat. Try and balance treating yourself with taking care of yourself and your growing child.
Vitamin A is important when you are pregnant but in just the right amounts, neither too much nor too little. Cryptic enough for you? In a normal diet you should be getting enough, there is no need to take supplements. On the contrary, excessive intake could be harmful to your developing baby. Know that some skin treatments that contain Vitamin A it are forbidden for pregnant women. Foods to eat that will more than cover your Vitamin A needs, and those of your baby, are milk and dairy products, butter, eggs (the yolks in particular), bright vegetables such as spinach, lettuce, parsley, tomatoes or carrots, and orange and yellow fruits (apricots, melon, mango, et cet.).
By around month six, it is recommended that you and your partner go to an ante-natal class to start to prepare for your baby’s birth, especially if this is your first baby (or if your first baby was born ages ago!). You will learn about the birth, and about pain relief, breathing, and relaxation techniques. A visit to a delivery room, exercises for fitness in pregnancy and many other really useful things can also be on the programme. Ante-natal classes are the ideal opportunity to get to know other mothers or couples as well. Who better to share your experience with?