Pregnancy Week 38
Two more weeks! Yes, it’s true, you and your little one will soon be making each other’s acquaintance. Everything is pretty much in place. Read more about this week.
Your baby will soon be making her grand entrance into the world. Her respiratory system is getting ready to work on its own – it’s been borrowing yours up till now – though her lungs will continue to develop after her birth, with her bronchial tubes dividing a further 6 times. The brain will be the least developed organ at birth, but will mature continually from the day she is born until she turns 18 or 20! Fixtures and circuits will be constructed like they are with a computer - for what is the brain if not a natural computer?! – fortifying as she takes in information, with the cherry on top represented by her emotions. That’s what makes each individual totally unique, with their own understanding and coping skills, their own thinking gradually developing as they get older. And your little one is no exception.
We bet you’re trying to imagine what’s going to happen when you get to the hospital or clinic. Well, depending on how imminent your baby’s exit, you’ll either be installed in your room or a birthing room, and hooked up to a monitoring machine. Your partner will scrub up, then come in with you. The anaesthesiologist will come and talk to you about an epidural if that’s something you’ve opted for. Don’t forget to stay in the moment, to share this magical moment with your spouse or partner. The arrival of this new little person for whom both of you are going to be the two most important people in the world is pretty huge. Try and enjoy the experience. For his part, the father may be feeling lots of emotions. He may also be afraid to feel useless. Remind him that the baby is only here because of the love you share. Maybe you can show him some breathing exercises!
Nothing given!
Caesarean sections are quite common for various reasons. If your baby has not yet moved into the birth position, your doctor will discuss whether you would like to have your baby by c-section, as it is known. It sounds more dramatic than it is. Nowadays, a caesarean is a routine operation. An epidural anaesthetizes the pelvic area alone, so that you can still be awake and conscious to experience your baby’s birth. And most hospitals and clinics will let your partner be at your side