Infant Speech Development Myths
Fact Or Fiction?
IMPORTANT NOTICE: The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months and continued breastfeeding for as long as possible. Growing up milks are formulated to meet nutrition needs of healthy young children older than 1 year and should not be fed to infants.
You must be getting lots of tips concerning your child’s speech and language skills and how to stimulate them.
However, which of these tips are true and which are false?
What is the point of view of science on the most common myths about children’s communication, speech and language skills? Find out more in this article:
Myth #1: Language development begins at birth
True. Therefore, the experts advise you to communicate with your child and talk to him from day 1.
Myth #2: Baby boys learn to speak at a slower pace than baby girls
False. Baby boys are not delayed in their language development; they only stand just a few months behind baby girls. So, if your son seems to be a little slower than the others when it comes to talking, don’t assume that it’s because he’s a boy.
Myth #3: You shouldn’t use baby talk with your child
False. It’s quite the opposite. Don’t be afraid to use baby talk with your child, as it helps him tune in to you and to what you are saying!
Myth #4: Twins are more likely to witness delayed language development
True and False.This myth may be true as some studies show. Yet, it does not apply to all twins. Delay in language development is often mild and temporary and doesn’t exceed the middle childhood phase.
Myth #5: Speech problems are caused by tongue-tie
False. Tongue-tie occurs when the string of tissue under your baby's tongue, which attaches the tongue to the bottom of the mouth, is too short. Some believe that this condition can lead to trouble with pronouncing some letters. However, there’s no scientific evidence that tongue-tie is directly related to speech impediment or to general language development issues.
Myth #6: Therapy for speech problems is useless
False. As a matter of fact, if you seek the help of a speech pathologist at the right time, your child will be able to develop his speech abilities and continue to have early talking and reading experiences.
If you suspect that your child is experiencing difficulties in speaking, do not try to diagnose the condition based on all the myths out there. All you have to do is consult his doctor and other specialists.
Read More: How To Support The Development Of Communication Skills In Your Baby