هكذا تحفّزين طفلك على تطوير مهاراته اللغوية وقدراته الكلامية!

هكذا تحفّزين طفلك على تطوير مهاراته اللغوية وقدراته الكلامية!

Stages Of Language Development In Early Childhood

6-12 months
Apr 1, 2021
2 mins

How Can You Promote Language Development?

Speech and Language skills are very important connectors. They can bring a mother closer to her child.


They are also an important developmental milestone that must be achieved at an early stage of childhood.


It is very true that each child is different from the other, but there are methods and strategies that a mother can follow in order to stimulate her baby’s language skills and abilities to talk… Read on to know more!

  • Respond to your child's looks, movements and sounds, because your response and attention will act as an open invitation and encourage him to continue developing his communicative skills.
  • Make sure to spend some quiet times with your child every day and, most importantly, sit away from the TV and radio and all sources of distraction.
  • Use any fun song to entertain your child and help him develop his language skills and vocabulary.
  • Talk to your child about your daily activities and all that you're doing, so he learns the connection between language and the world around him, which will also expand his vocabulary.
  • Look intensively into your child’s eyes every time you talk to him and give him all the time he needs to answer you, or rather to communicate with you.
  • Give your child the opportunity to express himself "a lot" and "again" and in any way he wants, like for example to make a long and strong cry to get more milk.
  • Sit with your child and look at books and stories with pictures. Children at this age are interested in simple black and white shapes and enjoy seeing pictures and listening to their mother’s voice.
  • Raise your child's interest in communication and self-expression by using some facial expressions, hand gestures and various sounds while talking to him.


This was some valuable and simple advice that will help you develop your baby’s abilities to communicate and talk between the ages of six and twelve months. Adopt these strategies with your child and you will definitely attain the results you’re aiming for.


Read More: When Do Babies Crawl?

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