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Newborn Development From A To Z

All About 0-6 Months Baby
Apr 1, 2021
3 mins

Child Development: 0-18 Months

While your baby is busy achieving new physical, emotional and social milestones day after day and week after another throughout his first year, life is going to be quite a sequence of consecutive adventures. If you’re wondering about the average age when a child will start rolling, sitting by himself, crawling, walking and talking, and you can’t wait for the moments when your bundle of joy will master these wonderful skills and excel, you just have to read on this post.



Your baby will probably attempt to roll and turn over himself between the second and third months after birth, and these attempts will most likely start with your baby changing position and flipping from lying on his tummy to lying on his back, then flipping from lying on his back to lying on his tummy between 5 and 6 months old.


Your baby can learn this first motor skill by developing and strengthening his neck and arms’ muscles through practice on lifting his upper body of the bed during tummy times. Be careful when your baby becomes a master in rolling from one side to another, as he might move towards you or towards this colorful toy that caught his attention!



At 5 months old, your baby may develop the ability to control his upper body and win over his attempts to sit by himself, and that’s after he develops neck and back muscles strong enough to hold him and teach him how to use his legs in order to support his new position.


Sitting is what will give your little one a broad vision of the world around him and introduce him to a position other than the lying-down position.



Between 6 and 10 months old, your baby may be ready to move his explorations to a new level. To be sure about this, you will have to check on every single signal your child sends you, like resting on hands and knees to move and bounce, crawling on the butt and trying to lift oneself with one hand, etc.


Unlike the other two milestones, crawling is not a basic milestone in a child’s development, and there’s a great possibility that your infant might skip it and move directly to the next one which is walking.



This basic milestone is a big step towards toddlerhood. But don’t expect your baby to achieve it overnight, walking after all is not a magic trick.


According to experts and pediatricians, a baby will be able to sit and stand using things around him (between 5 and 9 months old). He will be able to move around (between 7 and 10 months old), while he will learn to stand by himself without any help (between 10 months and 1 year old) and walk around (between 12 and 15 months old). And in no time, you’ll be seeing your baby standing on his feet, seeing the world from above, jumping and running everywhere!



While developing his physical and motor skills, your baby will learn the difference between night and day and will be able to sleep throughout the night (somewhere between 4 and 6 months old). He will also try to babble and laugh his heart when you tickle him, play peek-a-boo with him and make him funny faces (as of 4 months old). And in less than no time, this flow of weird sounds will turn into understandable words, short sentences then conversations!


According to experts, some babies speak their first words by 6 months old; some others speak them right before their first birthday (between 9 and 12 months to be exact). These sentences usually start with “no”, “mum”, “dad”, “hi”, and bye”, before moving into more complicated terms and sentences…


Without a question, your baby’s development milestones are quite an important thing for you, and you can’t wait for the times when your little one will achieve them and master all his skills. But don’t get carried away with your enthusiasm and don’t try to speed up these precious moments, because when your baby is 2 years old, you will have a hard time getting him into bed when he runs off shouting “no, no for sleeping”!


Read More: 6-12 Months Baby Development

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