مشكلات النوم عند الأطفال في مرحلة الطفولة المبكرة

مشكلات النوم عند الأطفال في مرحلة الطفولة المبكرة

Toddler sleep problems

Infant Development and Growth
Mar 31, 2021
2 mins

You know they’re tired, but they refuse to listen—and try as you will, the land of nod seems but a distant dream. Here are a few tips to help with your toddler’s sleep problems, from baby night-lights to soothing sounds for baby.

  • Watch out for changes to the bedtime routine (for example, their first time in a toddler bed, or cot without bars). However small they are, they could have some effect. 
  • Don’t worry, they’ll just take a bit of time to readjust.
  • Aim for regular bedtimes and naptimes.
  • Let them choose their own bedtime story.
  • Try a baby night-light or leave the door ajar if they’re afraid of the dark.
  • Try white noise or a selection of soothing sounds for baby.
  • Try letting them settle themselves to sleep—self-soothing is an important life lesson. 
  • Be nearby to assure them but avoid picking your little one up or taking them out of their room if they cry or fuss.
  • Make sure they’re as comfy as can be. Adjust their bedding and nightclothes for changes in temperature. Tuck their favorite toy in with them.
  • Try a snack before bedtime if hunger is waking them up. Some milk, or a banana before they brush their teeth may help keep their tummy happy and their heads firmly on the pillow.
  • Don’t despair. It can take time to master the art of sleeping, but you’ll get there eventually.

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