Why You Should Let Your Child Get Dirty!
The Reasons Why Kids Need Dirt To Be Healthy
IMPORTANT NOTICE: The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months and continued breastfeeding for as long as possible. Growing up milks are formulated to meet nutrition needs of healthy young children older than 1 year and should not be fed to infants.
No doubt, you go to bat for your child, especially when it comes to his personal hygiene and health, no one can argue. But you probably don’t know that excessive cleanliness and always looking for more cleaning products driven by a fear of germs and a sense of guilt might hurt more than help.
Here are the reasons why you must encourage your tot to get dirty and play with soil and mud from time to time:
Dirt benefits the body
Germs, viruses and worms existing by millions in dirt and mud can help your child’s immune system grow and develop resistance to diseases and infections.
Dirt develops the brain
Scientists believe that some types of bacteria found in dirt and mud can positively affect the mood and speed up the learning process by stimulating the growth of new neurons and increasing serontonin levels in the brain.
Dirt is good for the skin
Germs transmitted to your baby’s skin by direct contact with dirt, can help him fight skin infections caused by injuries or wounds.
Dirt fights allergy and asthma
According to studies and research, early exposure to microbes can reduce the number of cells that are responsible for pulmonary and intestinal infections, decreasing a child’s chances of developing asthma and colon infections later in life.
Dirt gives the chance to play outdoors
Playing with dirt and mud may give your baby the chance to move away from structured play with video games and different technology devices, and get involved in free play that will motivate his sensory, manual and creative skills.
What do you think about all these benefits? Did you like them? Are you convinced with them? Then, don’t let your fears get between them and your toddler, and don’t hesitate to open the doors of exploration wide before him to grow, learn, and be happy.