كيفية التعامل مع نوبات الغضب لدى الطفل في مرحلة الطفولة المبكرة
How to deal with toddler tantrums
Now they’re walking and talking, your toddler’s asserting their independence more and more every day, as well as developing a strong willpower! Here are some tips on how to deal with toddler tantrums.
- Set clear rules and stick to them.
- Praise when they get it right, ignore when they get it wrong.
- Give them easy tasks they can do by themselves (putting on their wellies, tidying toys away).
- Offer simple choices (red or blue shirt, teddy or train, banana or apple).
- Avoid saying “no” too often. Try rephrasing refusals. For example, “Why don’t try this instead?” “Let’s see if you can finish the peas while I count to 10 then I’ll get your yogurt.”
- Stick to a daily routine with regular meals, naps, playtime, and quiet time, whenever possible.
- Make sure their bedtime routine is calming and consistent.
- Keep shopping trips short to avoid boredom and public meltdowns.
- Try to distract when you see something brewing. Timed right, a silly noise, funny face, or toy-swap can stop a tantrum in its tracks.
- If it’s too late and the screaming fits begin, try to stay calm.
- Avoid using food to soothe a tantrum.
- Cuddles can crack the toughest nut. Sometimes a little security is all they need.
- Don’t give in—your toddler’s pretty smart and if they think it’s worked, they’ll try it again.
- Hug it out when it’s over. Tantrums are a normal healthy sign of development and they won’t last forever.
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