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Finding out why babies cry
Wondering why babies cry? If you’re struggling to understand what your baby is trying to tell you, check this list for possible clues to help.
- See if baby is hungry or thirsty. Read our tips on what to look out for with hungry vs full babies
- Check if baby is tired—look out for telltale signs like fluttering eyelids or sucking of fingers.
- Check if their diaper needs changing.
- Feel if they’re too hot or cold.
- See if they want a cuddle—sometimes they just need some love.
- Consider whether they have constipation, colic or reflux. If you think they do, read our checklist on how to help baby tummy problems.
- Check their little fingers and toes. On rare occasions, little hairs can cut off circulation and irritate baby.
- Try using motion to soothe baby. Swaying cuddles, the sling, the car, or the baby buggy.
- Try winding the baby with several different techniques. Babies’ burp buttons aren’t all pressed in the same way.
- Try baby massage to help troubled tummies. Read our checklist to find out how to give a baby massage
- It may sound strange, but try the sound of a hoover or hair dryer. There are lots of white noise apps too these days.
- Give them a warm bath to relax them.
- Try to trust your instinct. If their crying is causing concern speak to your healthcare provider.
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