Finding the right positions
"It'll come naturally, you'll see!" In reality, it may not prove quite so easy to get yourself and your baby into a good position.
My breast milk: the best kind of food
Breast milk contains everything: it meets the nutritional needs of a new-born child, and its composition changes with the passage of months and with the change of the child's needs.
How can i be sure i am giving my baby the best food?
I have started introducing my baby to solids. However, I don't know if it is better to make purées and compotes myself or give my baby jars of commercial baby food.
Solutions to your breastfeeding problems
Breastfeeding your baby is not always one long, easy ride. Here's how to overcome the most common hurdles.
What should I eat when I am breastfeeding?
I am tempted to "eat for two", avoid cabbage and drink lots of milk. Am I on the right track or have I got it completely wrong?
Breastfeeding problems? Take action with these practical remedies
Breastfeeding is well worth the practice and patience it can sometimes take. Here are some common concerns that breastfeeding mums have, and solutions to remedy them.
Will I have produce enough milk?
I would like to breastfeed, but I'm not sure my milk will be rich enough and that I will produce enough to feed my baby. What can I do to maximize my milk production?
When do I stop breastfeeding and know that it is full
Over time, you will get more understanding.
How can I help my baby when they have colic?
Even though people have told me that colic in newborn babies is harmless and temporary, I feel so stressed seeing my little bundle of joy in tears .
My breast milk: top of the class for nutrition
Breast milk has everything going for it: it meets my newborn baby's nutritional needs perfectly and changes its composition as the months go by and my baby's needs change.
What to do if my baby cries out in the night?
My baby usually falls asleep in a few minutes, but is currently waking up in the middle of the night screaming and is difficult to calm down.
Baby's first progress
When will my baby smile, talk or walk for the first time? What food is best adapted to their development? What are the important "first times" not to be missed?
Watch out - diarrhoea!
My baby has had diarrhoea for two days. Is this normal or should I be seriously worried? Is it possible to avoid diarrhoea?
Baby's vaccinations. Is a booster due?
My baby is due for their first vaccination, and I must admit I'm not really sure about it all. Which ones are compulsory? Which ones aren't? I'm afraid it will hurt my baby.
Looking after your breasts when breastfeeding
I have been breastfeeding since the birth of my baby and it has been a wonderful experience! However, I'm worried that my breasts will suffer the consequences.
How does baby's brain develop from birth to 3 years?
It is unbelievable watching my baby learn new things! Each day brings new progress and rapid learning. An Einstein in the making, who knows?
Is my baby allergic to cow's milk?
My baby doesn't seem well after their bottle or dairy product. Apparently they may be allergic to cow's milk . I would like to know more about this .
How can I make sure my baby sleeps well?
When will my baby sleep through the night? Is it normal for my baby to wriggle when sleeping?
Your guide to starting solids
Congratulations on reaching this exciting milestone and have fun feeding your baby his first foods.
Long term effects of early nutrition
The how, what, when, and why of your toddler's gut immunity
How to Protect Ourselves and Others From Infectious Diseases in General, and Coronavirus Specifically?
Calling All Cereals: Time To Team Up for the Greater Good?
A new-born baby has relatively simple nutritional needs and breast milk will satisfy virtually all of their nutritional requirements. Read the article to know more.
QUINOA: The “Golden” Grain
There is no doubt that breast milk provides your baby with the best nutritional start to life. Read the article to know more.
QUINOA: Can It Address My Growing Child’s Nutritional Needs?
Once your baby reaches six months of age, you will need to start introducing additional food to their diet to make sure that they are getting all the nutrients they need.
GENTLE OPTIPRO®: building the foundations of your child’s lifelong health
GENTLE OPTIPRO®, an optimized blend of proteins developed by Nestlé.1,2
HMOs: the third most abundant solid component in breast milk, to support your child's immune system
As a parent, you want to protect your child now and in the future. That includes shaping his or her immune system to make it strong.
Probiotics: The friendly bacteria of the gut
Not everybody realizes that probiotics - the name literally means “for life” - are live bacteria that are known to provide specific health benefits.
Growth and development are fastest during early childhood.
Choosing The Right Formula With The Right Protein
How To Choose The Right Formula For Your Baby?
7 Tips For Avoiding Childhood Obesity
Protect Your Child From Obesity!