كيف تختارين لطفلك حليب الأطفال المناسب والكمية المناسبة من البروتين؟

كيف تختارين لطفلك حليب الأطفال المناسب والكمية المناسبة من البروتين؟

Choosing The Right Formula With The Right Protein

All About 0-6 Months Baby
Apr 1, 2021
2 mins

 How To Choose The Right Formula For Your Baby?

Infant formula is the nutritional alternative to breast milk or mother’s milk. It is generally produced from cow’s milk. It contains vitamins, minerals and nutrients quite similar to breast milk, in addition to DHA (docosahexanic acid) and Omega 3 fatty acids that help develop babies’ brains and eyes.


Mothers usually recur to infant formula either because they cannot breastfeed or because they are partially breastfeeding.


According to specialists and experts, infant formula can be used as the only source of nutrition for babies aged 0 to 6 months.


As for the types of formula available in the market today, they are numerous but can be restricted to the following:


  • The ordinary infant formula which is the best choice for healthy babies.
  • The hypoallergenic infant formula, including the partially hydrolyzed, the extensively hydrolyzed and the amino-free based. These products are perceived for babies with allergy, and thus not recommended unless by doctor’s permission.


As previously mentioned, formula and breast milk contain about the same vitamins and minerals. The concentration of these vitamins and minerals is equal among the different types of formulas in the market, as they all follow strict international manufacturing rules, with the exception of fats, carbohydrates and proteins.


When it comes to proteins, some types of formula have low protein content ranging between 1.77 and 2.2 g per 100 Kcal, while some others have a much higher content ranging between 2.9 and 4.4 g per 100 Kcal.


And because infants bodies don’t store protein the way they store fats and carbohydrates despite that it’s the most important nutrient for early childhood, mothers should ask the pediatrician about their babies’ need of same and follow his instructions to meet this need and avoid any deficiency that might retard their babies development and bone build-up, weaken their hearts and lungs and negatively affect their immunity, digestion and metabolism. 


Read More: Choosing The Right Hypoallergenic Infant Formula For Your Baby


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