Risks And Complications Associated With Infant Regurgitation

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Risks And Complications Associated With Infant Regurgitation

All About 0-6 Months Baby
Apr 1, 2021
2 mins

Regurgitation In Infants

Regurgitation is one of the most common conditions among infants. It usually affects babies within the first six months after birth, especially in the fourth month, and resolves spontaneously by their first or second year. 


Regurgitation causes the return of gastric content back into the esophagus through the mouth after breastfeeding.


Regurgitation is often a result of an immature low esophageal sphincter. But sometimes, it is a result of a pressure increase in the abdomen due to gas buildup, constipation, some positions like sitting in a hard seat, or delayed gastric emptying into the small intestine either because of hyperosmolarity or because of the feed composition of fat and protein.    

Regurgitation is mostly benign, yet it must be treated so it won’t cause the affected baby serious complications, some of which are near-term like: refusal to feed, feeding or meal lasting more than an hour, heartburn, esophagitis leading to decreased appetite, esophageal bleeding, swallowing difficulties due to esophageal damage, breathing difficulties due to aspiration of gastric contents into the noise or lungs.   

Some others are long term, such as: Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) later in childhood, poor growth due to malnourishment, tooth enamel erosion due to digestive acid leaking out into the esophagus through the mouth.  


In order to deal with infant regurgitation and avoid the above-mentioned complications, we advise you to offer your bundle of joy an anti-reflux infant formula that is easy to digest thanks to its unique composition of starch as a thickening agent to prevent stomach content from flowing backwards into the esophagus and mouth, whey as a predominant protein to speed up digestion and gastric emptying, and amino acids like the ones in breast milk to reduce metabolic stress on immature kidneys. That’s in addition of course to probiotic Bifidus which strengthens immunity and thereby prevent infections and diseases. It is already known that thickened infant formula helps alleviate reflux. For more information, you may want to ask your doctor about it and about other efficient tips to alleviate your baby’s symptoms and discomfort.   


Read More: Your Baby’s Size And Growth Timeline

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