NESTOGEN® 3 is a growing up milk, specifically designed to provide essential nutrients that support Gut Health, body growth and immunity designed for toddlers aged 1-3 years.
Product highlights
Ingredients: Skimmed Cow's MILK, Maltodextrin, Vegetable oils (Corn oil, low erucic rapeseed oil, palm oil), whey protein powder, MILK fat, LACTOSE, fibers (fructo-oligosaccharide, inulin), Honey, emulsifier (SOY lecithin, sunflower lecithin), vanilla flavor (vanillin), antioxidant (Ascorbyl palmitate), acidity regulator (citric acid), Minerals (Calcium carbonate, sodium citrate, ferrous sulphate, zinc sulphate, potassium citrate, sodium selenite), vitamins (vitamin C, Vitamin E, Niacin, Pantothenic acid, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B6, Vitamin A, Vitamin B2, Folic acid, Vitamin K, Biotin, Vitamin D, Vitamin B 12).
Contains MILK (including LACTOSE) and SOY.
Product benefits
Vitamin D is necessary for calcium and phosphorous absorption for healthy bones.
Calcium helps for the development of bones and teeth.
Iron is important for the normal functioning of red blood cells.
Vitamin C contributes to iron absorption.
Countries available in
Nutritional information
Average Composition | لكل ١٠٠ جرام من غذاء الحليب المجفف Per 100 G of Powder | لكل كوب ۲۰۰ الحليب المحضر مللتر من غذاء Per 200 ML | معدل التركيب |
Energy | Kcal 467 | كيلو كالوري 136 | طاقة |
Protein | g 16 | جم 4.6 | بروتين |
fat | g 20.5 | جم 5.95 | دسم |
Linoleic acid | g 3.8 | جم 1.1 | حمض اللينولينك |
Alpha linolenic acid | g 0.44 | جم 0.13 | حمض ألفا لينولنيك |
Saturated fatty acid | g 6.8 | جم 1.97 | أحماض دهنية مشبعة |
Trans fatty acids | g 0.4 | جم 0.1 | دهون متحولة |
Carbohydrates | g 54.7 | جم 15.9 | كربوهيدرات |
Fibers | g 2.9 | جم 0.8 | ألياف |
Minerals | المعادن | ||
Sodium | mg 250 | ملجم 72.5 | صوديوم |
Potassium | mg 600 | ملجم 174 | بوتاسيوم |
Chloride | mg 450 | ملجم 130.5 | كلورايد |
Calcium | mg 800 | ملجم 232 | كالسيوم |
Phosphorus | mg 440 | ملجم 127.6 | فوسفور |
Magnesium | mg 44 | ملجم 12.8 | مجنيزيوم |
Iron | mg 8 | ملجم 2.32 | حديد |
Zinc | mg 5.8 | ملجم 1.7 | زنك |
lodine | mcg 40 | مكجم 11.6 | يود |
Manganese | mcg 60 | مكجم 17.4 | منجنيز |
Selenium | mcg 20 | مكجم 5.8 | سيلينيوم |
Vitamins | فيتامينات | ||
Vitamin A | mcg 450 | مكجم 130.5 | فيتامين أ |
Vitamin D | mcg 10 | مكجم 2.9 | فيتامين د |
Vitamin E | mg 7 | ملجم 2 | فيتامين هـ |
Vitamin K | mcg 30 | مكجم 8.7 | فيتامين ك |
Vitamin C | mg 80 | ملجم 23 | فيتامين ج |
Vitamin B1 | mg 0.8 | ملجم 0.2 | فيتامين ب1 |
Vitamin B2 | mg 0.8 | ملجم 0.2 | فيتامين ب2 |
Niacin | mg 6.4 | ملجم 1.9 | نياسين |
Vitamin B6 | mg 0.7 | ملجم 0.2 | فيتامين ب6 |
Folic acid | mcg 100 | مكجم 29 | حمض الفوليك |
Pantothenic acid | mg 4 | ملجم 1.2 | حمض البانتوثينيك |
Vitamin B12 | mcg 2 | مكجم 0.6 | فيتامين ب12 |
Biotin | mcg 20 | مكجم5.8 | بيوتين |
Important notice
We believe that breastfeeding is the ideal nutritional start for babies, and we fully support the World Health Organizations recommendation of exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life followed by the introduction of adequate nutritious complementary foods along with continued breastfeeding up to two years of age.
NESTOGEN® 3 is not a breast-milk substitute. We recommend that you speak to your healthcare professional about how to feed your baby and seek advice on when to introduce this product.
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