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Breastfeeding Problems And Advices
Breastfeeding doesn’t always come naturally but with a bit of practice, perseverance, and a few pointers, it can get easier. Try these steps to help tackle breastfeeding problems.
- Try to make sure baby is latching correctly. Their mouth should cover more of the areola at the bottom of the nipple than the top.
- Talk to your midwife or healthcare provider (HCP) if feeding is painful. It could be because baby is not latching properly.
- Try brushing baby’s top lip against your nipple to open their mouth.
- Use nipple cream or expressed breast milk between feeds to soothe any pain or dryness.
- Try warm compresses if you have clogged ducts. See your midwife or HCP for more advice.
- Try to express by hand before feeding if milk supply is high or breasts are engorged.
- Try feeding more often if breasts become engorged.
- Keep feeding as often as you can early on to boost supply, as breast milk works on a supply and demand basis.
- If inverted nipples are causing problems, speak to your midwife or HCP.
- Try to breast pump before nursing if inverted nipples are proving hard to latch on to.
- Try baby on the fuller breast for a more effective feed if they fall asleep during feeding.
- Try tickling baby’s feet if they fall asleep too soon during feeding.
- Wear extra pads if you drop a feed. Breasts take a while to get the memo.
- Try and feed or breast pump more often, with an HCP’s guidance, if mastitis is an issue.
- Talk to your HCP if you think you have mastitis.
- Talk to your HCP or lactation consultant if you’re suffering painful letdown.
- Try different holds if a fast letdown is an issue or baby seems uncomfortable during feeds.
- Remember, breastfeeding problems should ease over time.
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