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Food For Breastfeeding Mother
What Food Should You Be Eaten After Delivery?
A good nutrition is a must during breastfeeding, as your body in this period is quite in need of essential nutrients; and the energy it gets from fat reserves stored throughout pregnancy is not enough to meet its requirements, and needs to be supported with a healthy varied eating plan.
The following are the main guidelines for a nutritious breastfeeding diet:
- Try to vary your meals so that you eat an assortment of different food groups: 7 servings of veggies and legumes, 2 servings of fruits, 9 servings of whole grains, 2 servings and a half of lean meat/ poultry/ fish/ eggs/ nuts, and 2 servings and a half of dairy products.
- Enrich your diet with iodine sources, like seafood, eggs and iodine fortified bread, to supply your breast milk with much needed nutrients for your baby’s growth and brain development.
- Drink lots of water and other healthy beverages to compensate the amount of fluids you typically lose during each nursing session.
- Limit your caffeine consumption, as this stimulant can reach your baby through your breast milk.
- Enrich your meals with fiber sources such as fruits, prunes, vegetables, grains and seeds, to prevent or ease symptoms of constipation, one of the most common issues postpartum.
- Try to avoid eating fatty and sugary foods, like chocolate, biscuits and potato chips.
Whilst you follow through these guidelines, keep a close eye on your little one. And if he shows any health symptom because of a particular food you ate, like gas-producing broccoli and cauliflower for instance, you will want to contact your GP or health care provider for advice.
Read More: Protein In Breast Milk
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