Treatments For Toddler’s Constipation

نصائح فعالة لعلاج الإمساك عند الأطفال

Treatments For Toddler’s Constipation

Infant Development and Growth
Apr 1, 2021
2 mins

What To Do For Constipation?

IMPORTANT NOTICE: The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months and continued breastfeeding for as long as possible. Growing up milks are formulated to meet nutrition needs of healthy young children older than 1 year and should not be fed to infants.


Constipation can affect your child at any stage and for various reasons, including lack of activity, dehydration and not enough healthy fibers in the diet. 


When your child gets constipated, you will find it difficult to see him in pain without doing anything. Thus, we are giving you below some useful tips and treatments. Try them out!  

  • Enrich your baby’s diet with high-fiber foods, such as fruits (plum and apricot), vegetables (pea and broccoli) and whole grain products.
  • Make sure your baby is consuming enough water and other healthy liquids on a daily basis. 
  • Choose for your child a type of milk that is full of minerals, vitamins, essential nutrients for growth and immunity, as well as probiotics. Given that the major role of probiotic bacteria is to improve the immune system’s function by reducing the number of IgA plasma cells, increasing the phagocytosis rate, raising levels of T white cells and natural killer cells, in addition to boosting gut’s immunity and ability to fight illnesses and treating constipation by boosting the bifidobacteria flora which softens the stools.
  • Avoid foods that can make bowel movement more painful, such as bananas, cooked carrot and too much dairies.  
  • Encourage your baby to move and practice all kind of physical activities such as dancing, jumping and biking, in order to stimulate his bowel movement. 
  • Don’t push your child into potty training so he won’t feel anxious and stressed. Stress can badly affect his bowel movement. Just watch for the signs that your toddler is ready for the new phase.  
  • Keep your toddler away from processed foods, including cereals, candies and fast food.


Treating constipation may not always be easy but it is possible, and all what it takes is a lot of effort, little patience and some time.


Read More: Foods To Relieve Constipation In Kids

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