Tips To Survive Bed Rest During Pregnancy
Bedrest In Pregnancy
Let’s be honest, bed rest is possible and quite common during pregnancy, yet it’s more difficult than you have imagined it to be.
Fortunately, though, there are lots of ways to help you out and make this period of your life go a little more smoothly.
Try these few tips to survive bed rest and actually enjoy it!
- Watch movies and documentaries you can either download from the internet or bring from any rental store.
- Keep your smart phone nearby so you can stay in touch with the outside world, whether on social media or via email.
- Read books and newspapers. Visit sites and blogs about pregnancy, labor, childbirth, breastfeeding, motherhood and parenting.
- Be a kid again and have some fun time playing and making art activities and crafts, like coloring and engaging in board games with one of your family members.
- Dedicate some of your time to shop online for baby clothing and equipments or search the internet for beautiful decoration ideas for your baby’s room.
- Invite your friends and relatives to come by and spend some light fun times with you.
- Look for a new hobby that you can do without putting additional strains on your body and your pregnancy, like sewing and knitting.
Last but not least, try, if you’re good at writing, to put down all your thoughts, fears and daily life as a pregnant in a small journal which you can share with your child when he grows up!
Read More: Comfortable Sleep Positions During Pregnancy