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Tips For Pacifier Weaning
How Do I Wean My Baby Off The Dummy?
There is no such a thing as the right time for pacifier or soother weaning. Yet, the sooner the better and the easier the breakup!
That said, we advise you to try your best to ditch the pacifier use before your bay’s first birthday, i.e. before he becomes more attached and dependent on it. Here are some tried and true tactics to help you out:
- Gradually reduce pacifier use till it’s limited to naptimes and bedtimes.
- Remove the pacifier from your baby’s mouth as soon as he’s asleep, so he won’t find it next to him when he wakes up and doesn’t rely on it to self-soothe and fall back to sleep.
- Surround your baby with toys and stuffed animals to get his mind off the pacifier.
- Identify the situations that trigger your baby’s desire for a pacifier and try to replace it with cuddles and comfort. Think of these situations as a great opportunity to bond with your little one and get closer to him!
- Choose the right time to wean your baby off pacifier. Let it be after he’s 6 month old (as pacifiers before this age can prevent babies from SIDS).
- Don’t try to wean your baby off soother during major life events or transitional periods.
- Introduce a special comfort object, such as a blanket or a soft toy, that your baby can turn to for comfort instead of the pacifier. This new comfort item can help ease the transition and provide the security your baby might be seeking.
- You can also try a reward system where your baby earns small rewards for successfully going without the pacifier for increasing lengths of time.
Consistency is key, so be patient and understanding as your child adjusts to the change, offering plenty of praise and encouragement along the way. As you proceed through the above stated tips, don’t give up and stand firm in trying to convince your child on stopping the pacifier!
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