بهذه النصائح تُحوّلين مهمّة تغيير الحفاضة للرضيع إلى متعة!

بهذه النصائح تُحوّلين مهمّة تغيير الحفاضة للرضيع إلى متعة!

Tips To Make Diaper Changes Fun For Your Baby

6-12 months
Apr 1, 2021
2 mins

Stop The Diaper Change Battles!

Does your baby hate diapering time? Does he cry and fuss at every nappy change?


Try these tips and techniques to help your little one enjoy diapering and make it a more pleasant sensory experience for him!


  • Take a deep breath and don’t rush your baby; and more importantly, don’t show him your discomfort so he won’t catch your negative vibes.
  • Sing your baby and encourage him to look directly into your eyes.
  • Narrate your actions and explain to your baby what are you doing to him, like pulling the dirty nappy, getting a clean one and putting clothes again. Tell him he’s going to feel a bit cold for a short while. Then ask him how it feels to be clean, so he will learn how to make the link between his experience and the terms you’re using.
  • While changing your baby’s diaper, point out and name his body parts. Tell him for instance, “you have 2 hands and each hand has 5 fingers”, then start counting the fingers of each hand.
  • Save a special toy for diapering time and make sure you hand it to your baby at every changing.
  • Listen carefully to the sounds your baby makes while changing his diaper and try to find a way to respond to these sounds.


If your baby doesn’t respond to these tricks, try to substitute them with live entertaining shows, such as dancing and singing, kissing baby’s belly, blowing air in baby’s neck, making strange sounds and funny facial expressions. In brief, do your best to make diapering time go smoothly!


Read More: Diaper Rash 101


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