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Tips To Increase Your Child’s Daily Water Intake
Keeping Your Kid Hydrated
IMPORTANT NOTICE: The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months and continued breastfeeding for as long as possible. Growing up milks are formulated to meet nutrition needs of healthy young children older than 1 year and should not be fed to infants.
It’s very important that you teach your child smart eating habits at an early age.
Smart eating is not only about healthy eating routines and diversified balanced meals; it’s also about the adequate daily water intake and other healthy fluids.
And since water has no taste, you may have a hard time getting your child to consume it on a regular basis. So why don’t you try these suggestions to convince your tot getting into the water habit?!
- Put a cup or a small bottle of water within your child’s reach at all times and let him use the cup/ bottle to drink a few sips whenever he’s thirsty or whenever he feels the need to.
- Enrich your toddler’s diet with lots of water-based fruits and veggies, like cucumber, zucchini and watermelon, to help his body compensate for any lack of fluid.
- Make water look pretty and exciting for your child by infusing it with slices and cubes of fresh colorful fruits and vegetables, such as kiwis, cucumbers and strawberries.
- Buy your tot a special cup full of colors and let him use it to drink water every time he feels thirsty.
- Try your best to limit your toddler’s choices of beverages to water, milk and one type of diluted fresh juice (1 part juice to 10 parts water).
In addition to all these steps, remember to actively encourage your kid to drink and lead by example. In toddlerhood, your little munchkin is eager to imitate your actions and behaviors; and if he sees you making efforts to drink water, you can be sure he will do the same and get into this habit for life!
Read More: Benefits Of Fruits And Vegetables For Kids
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