

View details Lonely mom activities
All About 0-6 Months Baby
3 mothers with their kid

Lonely mom activities

Even with a wealth of online parenting forums and a baby in your arms, it’s easy to feel isolated and lonely as a mom.

View details Signs of baby blues
All About 0-6 Months Baby
Signs of baby blues

Signs of baby blues

Wondering how to know if I have postnatal depression? You’ve just birthed a human, your whole has been turned upside down, and you haven’t slept for what feels like an age.

View details Breastfeeding essentials
All About 0-6 Months Baby
Baby on mothers chest

Breastfeeding essentials

Planning to breastfeed but not sure what you’ll need? Here is a list of our first-time breastfeeding tips to help you prepare.

View details غذاء الأم أثناء الحمل يطبع صحة طفلها على المدى الطويل!
Pregnant woman cutting vegetable

غذاء الأم أثناء الحمل يطبع صحة طفلها على المدى الطويل!

The right nutrition before and during pregnancy can increase the likelihood of an infant achieving a normal weight at birth, and later in life. 

View details Food choices for a healthy pregnancy
Cutting carrot

Food choices for a healthy pregnancy

Eating for two doesn’t mean eating twice as much food, but it should mean making your food work twice as hard.

View details Pregnancy Concerns and Diet Solutions
Pregnancy Concerns and Diet Solutions

Pregnancy Concerns and Diet Solutions

Pregnancy is exciting, exhilarating and totally different for every woman.

View details A mum-to-be does not need to eat for two!
الحامل لا تأكل عن اثنين!

A mum-to-be does not need to eat for two!

Gaining the recommended amount of weight during pregnancy can help your baby’s development before birth and ensure a normal weight at birth and throughout childhood.

View details How your baby develops
How your baby develops

How your baby develops

Pregnancy is an exciting time, full of changes and anticipation.

View details Your weight curve at hand!
Pregnant woman with weighing machine

Your weight curve at hand!

There are many things you can do to prepare for the delivery of a healthy baby. One of the most important things is eating right to gain the extra weight you’ll need to support another life.

View details Babies’ taste preferences start before they are born.
Babies’ taste preferences start before they are born.

Babies’ taste preferences start before they are born.

Babies’ taste preferences are influenced even before birth.  Flavors in their mums’ diets such as garlic, curry, anise, banana and vanilla are carried into the placenta and through to the amni

View details The benefits of breastfeeding
Mother holding baby

The benefits of breastfeeding

Even before your baby makes her grand entrance, you may have noticed changes in your breasts. This is your body preparing to breastfeed.

View details Planning to breastfeed? Things to do before, during, and after birth

Planning to breastfeed? Things to do before, during, and after birth

As you are aware, breast milk provides the perfect food for your baby through her first six months and even after you introduce other foods.

View details The protein in breast milk is one of the most important nutrients for babies
All About 0-6 Months Baby
protein in breast milk

The protein in breast milk is one of the most important nutrients for babies

Babies develop rapidly and need relatively more protein than children and adults.  Interestingly, almost every aspect of your baby’s growth is partly dependent on protein.

View details Breastfeeding 101
All About 0-6 Months Baby

Breastfeeding 101

Having a basic understanding about breastmilk, breastfeeding and your breastfed baby will help you enjoy every moment that you’re nourishing and nurturing your baby.

View details Breastfeeding problems?
All About 0-6 Months Baby
تواجهين مشاكل في الرضاعة الطبيعية؟

Breastfeeding problems?

Take action with these practical remedies

View details Breast milk is the best start for babies
All About 0-6 Months Baby
Breast milk is the best start for babies

Breast milk is the best start for babies

Amazingly, the nutrients in breast milk continuously change to match the growth and development of a baby throughout its infancy.

View details Breastfeeding hunger & fullness cues
All About 0-6 Months Baby

Breastfeeding hunger & fullness cues

Depending on her level of hunger, your baby’s cues may become very obvious to you.

View details Breast milk helps protect babies from diseases during infancy
All About 0-6 Months Baby
baby lying on mom's chest

Breast milk helps protect babies from diseases during infancy

Breast milk is the ideal food for babies in the first six months and sets the best possible foundation for a healthy life.

View details How to help your baby adjust to other ways of feeding?
All About 0-6 Months Baby
How to help your baby adjust to other ways of feeding?

How to help your baby adjust to other ways of feeding?

Bottle-feeding does not mean an end to breastfeeding. It may just be another means for your baby to continue to receive full nutrition in the form of expressed breastmilk. 

View details Don't forget your support system
All About 0-6 Months Baby
Don't forget your support system

Don't forget your support system

Choosing to breastfeed is one of the most important decisions you can make regarding your baby's health. 

View details حاجات الطفل المتغيّرة تستدعي تعريفه على الأطعمة المكمّلة الملائمة بعد الشهر السادس!
6-12 months
Baby Nutrition Needs After 6 Month

حاجات الطفل المتغيّرة تستدعي تعريفه على الأطعمة المكمّلة الملائمة بعد الشهر السادس!

After 6 months of age, breast milk is insufficient to meet the requirements of some nutrients, particularly energy, protein, iron, zinc and vitamins A and D.

View details Your guide to starting solid food for babies
6-12 months
دليلكِ للبدء بالأطعمة الصلبة!

Your guide to starting solid food for babies

Congratulations on reaching this exciting milestone and have fun feeding your baby his first foods.

View details Ready for finger-feeding?
6-12 months
Ready for finger-feeding?

Ready for finger-feeding?

At around 8 months old, your baby will be able to grasp and pick up small pieces of food.

View details The way young children are fed may be as important as the food offered
6-12 months
طريقة تناول الأطفال لطعامهم تُوازي الطعام نفسه أهميّة!

The way young children are fed may be as important as the food offered

Infants and young toddlers can naturally regulate their energy intake. The way they are fed is an important experience that can influence their intake and food choices later in life.

View details Your 6 to 12 month old’s hunger & fullness cues
6-12 months
علامات الجوع والشبع عند الطفل بين 6 و12 شهراً

Your 6 to 12 month old’s hunger & fullness cues

At this stage, your baby’s menu may have expanded to include more cereals and baby food varieties. His excitement over food can turn mealtime into a fun, playful experience for the both of you.

View details Make every bite count for baby’s healthy growth and development
6-12 months
الأكل الصحي للأطفال: اجعلي كل قضمة ضرورية لنمو طفلك!

Make every bite count for baby’s healthy growth and development

Starting your little on solid foods is quite a milestone!  Since his tummy is so small, and breastmilk is the main source of his nutrition, at 6 months of age he will only be taking small tast

View details Your baby's growth is very fast in the first stage of his life...
6-12 months
نمو طفلكِ سريع جداً في المرحلة الأولى من حياته...

Your baby's growth is very fast in the first stage of his life...

Follow it month by month

View details Healthy eating habits are set early in life
Infant Development and Growth
ترسيخ العادات الغذائية الصحية يبدأ في مرحلة مبكرة!

Healthy eating habits are set early in life

By two years of age, dietary patterns of children start to become established.

View details Can anyone eat NESTLÉ® Infant Cereal with Bifidus BL and Immunonutrients?
Default faq image

Can anyone eat NESTLÉ® Infant Cereal with Bifidus BL and Immunonutrients?


View details Are probiotics, such as Bifidobacteria really safe?
Default faq image

Are probiotics, such as Bifidobacteria really safe?

Yes, probiotic bifidobacteria are safe. Long term consumption of probiotics by infants and children has been studied thoroughly and their safety has been well documented.

View details Does CERELAC® contain milk?
Default faq image

Does CERELAC® contain milk?

All the CERELAC® variants available in the Middle-East contain infant formula, and the origin of this infant formula is cow’s skimmed milk.

View details By what age can I start feeding my baby with CERELAC®?
Default faq image

By what age can I start feeding my baby with CERELAC®?

The World Health Organization recommends exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months (as a global public health recommendation).

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