Importance Of Snacking For Children
What Are The Benefits Of Children Eating Snacks?
Risks Of All-Day Snacking For Children
Don't Let Your Child Eat Snacks All Day Long!
Healthy Snacks For Mothers-To-Be
Pregnancy Snacks
How To Support The Development Of Communication Skills In Your Baby
How Can You Promote Language Development?
Myths About Babies And The Development Of Speech
Fact Or Fiction?
When Do Babies Start Talking?
Baby Talk Timeline
How to Get Pregnant with Twins?
The Odds Of Having Twins Or More
How do I know if my child's cut needs stitches?
Knowing if your child’s cuts and scrapes need medical attention or if stitches are required can be hard sometimes.
My tot has food allergies, so what should I look for when reading food labels?
If your child has food allergy, it’s quite important that you check the entire list of ingredients on food labels to see if his allergen is p
My son is a picky eater. What can I do to make him eat?
Picky eating is pretty normal during toddlerhood; Toddlers are supposed to be picky eate
I am concerned about contracting COVID-19. How concerned should I be?
This is a question many families are asking at the moment. There is a huge amount of information on the media about COVID-19 and it is leaving many of us anxious and confused.
I breastfeed my baby. Will he become infected with COVID-19 if I am infected? What can I do to protect my baby from becoming infected?
For new parents breastfeeding can pose many challenges and particularly during this time can cause anxiety.
I feed my baby with infant formula, can my baby be infected with the virus through the product?
We understand that in the current situation many parents will worry about risks of COVID-19 infection in their day to day lives.
I feed my Baby infant formula, would he be more protected against COVID-19 if I breastfeed him?
At Nestlé we believe that when possible breast feeding will provide the best nutrition for your baby.
I feed my baby with baby food, can my baby be infected with the virus through the product?
We understand that in the current situation many parents will worry about risks of COVID-19 infection in their day to day lives.
Should I sterilize my bottle although the preparation instructions say it is not required?
Yes. This is very important as all of your feeding equipment including bottles, teats, scoops, bowls, spoons, used by your baby should always be cleaned and sterilized or disinfected.
I am pregnant. Can my baby be infected with COVID-19 if I become infected?
Pregnancy can be a worrying time for many parents to be and the current COVID-19 pandemic is naturally adding to this anxiety.
What are the risks for my infant or child if they become infected and how can I protect them from COVID-19?
We currently do not know enough about COVID-19 to be certain of how it affects infants and children of different age groups specifically, but there have overall been less reported cases in young ch
I am infected with / have had contact with someone who is infected with COVID-19 what can I do to protect my child?
If you or a member of your household are showing symptoms of COVID-19 or have had contact with a confirmed positive COVID-19 case it is important to seek medical attention early.
I am infected with COVID-19, how can I still take good care of my baby and protect them?
It is natural for parents to worry how best to protect their child whilst still giving them all the care and attention they need.
How can I know if my baby is infected with COVID-19? What are the symptoms?
There is currently not enough known about COVID-19 to be certain of how it affects infants and children of different ages specifically.
I have several children, if one child becomes unwell with COVID-19 how can I protect the others?
Managing an unwell child within the family may be challenging at the best of times.
What are the symptoms of COVID-19 for a new born baby or a toddler?
Symptoms may vary between individuals and we are still learning about the disease and how it affects different age groups.
Can products with probiotics help to reinforce my child’s Immune system?
We do not know enough about COVID-19 to be certain of the protective benefits of probiotics or other immune boosting supplements, but we do know that probiotics generally contribute to a healthy im
What are the differences between COVID-19 and seasonal flu (influenza)?
COVID-19 is a novel strain of Coronavirus, a type of respiratory virus, which was not previously identified in humans.
I am coughing should I wear a facemask to protect my baby?
If you are coughing or sneezing or have been tested positive for COVID-19 it may be recommended that you wear a mask when you are handling and feeding your baby.
Can my child be infected with COVID-19 from an animal source such as meat or eggs?
Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that are common in animals. Occasionally, such as in the case of COVID-19, people get infected with these viruses which may then spread to other people.
How long does COVID-19 survive on surfaces?
We do not yet know exactly how long COVID-19 survives on different types of surfaces but it is possible that this may vary from a few hours to several days under different conditions (e.g.
Is it safe to receive a package from a COVID-19 area?
Many of us find that we are ordering more food and daily necessities to our home than before to avoid going out.
Will Antibiotics help protect me and my child from COVID-19?
No! Do not take antibiotics for COVID-19 as these are not effective for treating viruses and may be harmful if used inappropriately.
L.Comfortis, the comfort cure
Watching your happy toddler exploring the world around him is an absolute blessing.
Nestlé® CERELAC® Puree – Apple, Carrot & Mango 90g
Nestlé ® CERELAC ® Purees are made with 100% natural ingredients to help introduce your little one to the goodness of fruits from 6 months. One pouch from our nutritious and delicious purees is equivalent to 2 servings of fruits and vegetables out of 5 recommended per day.