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Role Of Protein In Infancy
Get Your Child Off To A Strong Start With Proteins!
Protein is an excellent and essential nutrient for everyone. It is even more essential for growing infants and babies who need every single component of its molecules varying between enzymes, hormones, antibodies and amino acids, to support their development and get a push forward.
And what makes protein extremely important for newborns and infants are two things: 1) the fast growth of babies during the first six months of life, as they are expected to double their birth weight by the end of this period; 2) the higher protein intake required in early childhood.
Despite the importance of protein, the body doesn’t store it the way it stores other important nutrients (like fats and carbohydrates). That’s why it is crucial to provide babies with the recommended daily allowance of same through food sources.
The RDA starts at 2- 2.4g range for newborns and one month old infants, then drops to around 1.5g per kg body weight for 6 month old babies, and remains as such until the end of the first year.
To be able to provide babies with this RDA from protein, the World Health Organization and other agencies alike recommend supplying babies with protein-rich breast milk during their first months of life, then moving to breastfeeding with complementary solid foods rich in protein, as of month 6 and until one year of age if possible.
Skimping on protein can retard growth and development, weaken the immunity, the heart and lungs, and sap the energy that babies need to play and explore the world, for protein is most well known for its ability to build muscles, develop organs, repair tissues, strengthen the immune system, stimulate metabolism and digestion, supply the body with energy and make up hormones, enzymes and antibodies that fight diseases and infections.
Your baby needs protein on a daily basis. So don’t delay meeting his needs, but be careful with the quantities, because a high intake of protein can lead to obesity and kidney problems!
Read More: Protein In Breast Milk
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