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Risks Of Iron Deficiency

Infant Development and Growth
Apr 1, 2021
2 mins

Iron-Deficiency Anemia And Your Child

IMPORTANT NOTICE: The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months and continued breastfeeding for as long as possible. Growing up milks are formulated to meet nutrition needs of healthy young children older than 1 year and should not be fed to infants.


Iron is one of the necessary required nutrients for every child, thanks to its vital role in brain development, providing the body with the daily energy it needs and stimulating many vital functions, on top of which comes: the distribution of oxygen to the different tissues and organs through blood flow.


And because of the fast growth of children throughout the different age phases, especially the one between the first and third years, and their increased need for iron, their bodies become more prone to deficiency that is medically known by the term: anemia or iron-deficiency anemia.


Here are some of the symptoms and signs caused by iron-deficiency in toddlers:


At eye level: blue sclera which is a form of brittle bone disease.


At immune system level: Immunodeficiency and inability to fight infections.


At both muscular and neurological levels: Lack of productivity, lack of physical fitness, fatigue, exhaustion, cognitive disorders, learning disabilities and movement and coordination disabilities.


At skin level: irritation, pale and twisted nails, hair loss and slow recovery from bruising.


At the whole-body level: lack of appetite, shortness of breath, excessive sweating, dizziness, fast heart rate, incapacity to fight cold and inability to regulate body temperature.


But these symptoms are not the only negative implications of iron-deficiency in children, as many studies and researches confirm the effect of iron-deficiency on children behaviors, as well as their social, mental and motor competences and their delayed growth and development even after being treated with iron supplements and their iron going back to its normal level.


In addition, iron-deficiency can stimulate children to long for eating non-dietary items, such as paint and dirt, and that’s what can make their poor nutrition and health issues get worse.


So if you doubt your child might be suffering from iron-deficiency, do not let go of the issue and do not hesitate to consult the doctor. Maybe your little one is not getting the amount of iron he needs from food and requires a whole dietary adjustment, or his body is not absorbing the mineral in a natural way and needs some support from iron supplements. Either case, the doctor should have an opinion in the matter and should determine the effective solution and treatment that can prevent your child’s anemia from getting worse and causing him serious health complications.


Read More: Importance Of Calcium In Your Child’s Diet

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