Is It Possible To Prevent Autism During Pregnancy?
How Do You Avoid Having A Baby With Autism?
The exact and definite cause behind autism is still unknown, but doctors and experts pinpoint that some cases may be triggered by genetics, while others may develop from environmental factors or an interaction of both.
Unfortunately, you can’t do much to change genetics, yet you can potentially protect your baby-to-be from the environmental factors that have shown a link to autism.
How? Here’s what you can do…
- Minimize your exposure to air pollution. One Harvard study confirms that a mother’s exposure to high levels of pollution during pregnancy, third trimester in particular, doubles her baby’s risk of autism. You can start fighting air pollution by avoiding highly-trafficked places.
- Stay away from air fresheners, detergents and pesticides full of toxic artificial components and chemicals.
- Limit your consumption of canned food to special occasions.
- Don’t drink water from plastic or aluminum bottles.
- Avoid using cosmetics and personal hygiene products that contain perfume and other chemical components.
- Check your medications and consult your doctor before taking any, for some types of meds like anti-depressants, can higher your baby’s potential of developing ASD.
- Ask your doctor about the possibility of taking folic acid supplement, as low levels of folate in your body may put your baby at risk of autism.
- Avoid non-urgent unnecessary x-rays and ultrasounds.
Last but foremost, take good care of your nutrition, your exercise routine and your mood; do whatever it takes to maintain your physical and mental health and prevent yourself from diseases and their negative effects on both you and your baby.
Read More: What Is A High-Risk Pregnancy And How To Manage It?