When should I call my baby's doctor for fever?

Call the doctor if your baby is under 3 months old and has any fever.

Call the doctor if your baby is between 3 and 6 months old and has a fever of 3.8.3ºC or higher.

Call the doctor if your baby is over 6 months old and has a fever of 39.4ºC or higher.

Call the doctor if your baby has fever with breathing difficulties.

Call the doctor if your baby has fever with swallowing difficulties.

Call the doctor if your baby has fever associated with severe pain or headache or stiff neck or coloured patches on the skin.

Call the doctor if your baby has fever and sore throat for more than 24 hours.

Call the doctor if your baby has fever for no obvious reason.

Call the doctor if your baby has fever for more than 3 days in a row.

Call the doctor if your baby has fever and is lethargic or refuses to eat.

A Last Word of Advice: Fever is one of the serious symptoms in babies never to ignore!

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