When should I call my OB/GYN between prenatal routine visits?

If you experience any of the following symptoms, call your OB/GYN or midwife straightaway and don’t wait for your next prenatal visit to bring the issues to his attention:

- Unusual abdominal pain or severe pelvic cramping.

- Difficulty breathing.

- Dizziness.

- Chronic diarrhea.

- Persistent vomiting.

- Blurred vision.

Bleeding of any kind (especially during second and third trimesters).

- Swollen face, hands and fingers.

- Severe headaches.

- Painful or difficult urination.

- Burning sensation with urination.

- Abnormal vaginal discharge with a foul smell.

- Fluid leaking from the vagina.

- High fever.

- Sore cracked nipples.

Reduced fetal movement after week 28.

- Feeling pelvic pain or pressure.

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