Common Breastfeeding Challenges
Breastfeeding Problems And How To Solve Them
If you are planning to breastfeed or if you are already breastfeeding, you would totally agree that the first six months of exclusive breastfeeding —recommended World Health Organization—are very beneficial to your baby’s development. Nonetheless, this period never comes without challenges, especially in its early days.
Here is a detailed list of the most prominent challenges among nursing mothers:
Cracked nipples
Cracked nipples can result from a number of conditions, including oral, dry skin, incorrect use of a breast pump and improper latch, which can also cause severe nipple pain. Therefore, if you suffer from cracked nipples, you may find blood in your pumped breast milk.
Low milk supply
Various factors can cause a low milk supply during breastfeeding, such as not enough breastfeeding, irregular breastfeeding sessions, breasts’ infection, incorrect breastfeeding, or not eating nutritious and healthy foods that help increase lactation.
Breast engorgement
Breast engorgement happens due to the widening of blood vessels and breast milk storage. It leads to severe cracking in the nipples as well as swollen breasts, which might cause discomfort to the mother and result in latching difficulty.
Thrush is another name for yeast infection that might affect either the mother or the baby or both together. Baby’s thrush symptoms include white spots in the mouth or red splotches in the diaper area.
If you suffer from one of the above problems, don’t think of discontinuing breastfeeding, and remember that you are not alone in this. You can always seek the help of doctors and breastfeeding experts who can make the experience much easier for you and your baby. Do not hesitate to visit them and to learn from their expertise!
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