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How To Prevent Diaper Rash?
Diaper Rash Prevention
You definitely want your little munchkin to be happy and healthy at all times, yet babies frequently experience pain and discomfort from diaper rash or diaper dermatitis, a condition of skin irritation caused by long-term exposure to wetness/ dampness.
So, what can you do to help your baby and minimize his risk of getting diaper rash? Here are some helpful hints...
- Change your baby’s diaper as soon as it gets wet or dirty. This reduces the moisture on the skin beneath the diaper which can trigger a rash.
- Gently clean your baby’s diaper area, using a soft wet washcloth or alcohol and fragrance free baby wipes.
- After you clean your baby’s genitals at each changing, let them air dry for a minute or two before applying any protective baby cream recommended by his pediatrician.
- Avoid rubbing your baby’s bottom and genitals with a towel; rubbing may cause skin irritation.
- Avoid using powder and soap, for they can dry out your baby’s diaper area and increase his risk of developing rash.
- Choose the right diaper size for your baby. A too-tight diaper can chafe against his sensitive skin, leading to rash.
- Opt for cotton-made diapers with a high absorption capacity. Avoid diapers with skin irritating chemicals or plastic edges that prevent evaporation and raise the temperature on baby’s skin.
If, despite all these preventive measures, nappy rash develops and your tot’s skin looks irritated and red, don’t panic. Just continue to do the things you do and consider giving your little one some extra time without his diaper on; rashes in the diaper area are not too risky and should clear up in about 4 days!
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