التغذية السليمة لطفلك

التغذية السليمة لطفلك

Good Nutrition for Your Child

6-12 months
Apr 1, 2021
2 mins

Mothers know that they must make sure their babies are getting a “balanced diet” and are eating “healthy” to help keep them protected and growing properly,but what exactly does that mean in practice?

Mothers know that they must make sure their babies are getting a “balanced diet” and are eating “healthy” to help keep them protected and growing properly,>but what exactly does that mean in practice?

Nutrition is important at any time of development, but it is crucial during the first 2 years of life because:


• Your baby’s brain and body are growing rapidly.


• His nutritional requirements are very high.


A balanced diet; that which includes foods from all the 4 food groups (Grains, Fruits, Vegetables, Dairy and Proteins) distributed over 5 meals a day ensures that your child is taking all the essential nutrients he needs.


What can your child eat at the age of 12 months?

Your child can eat about everything at this age. Now that he is being introduced to different foods; there are so many new tastes and options for your toddler to discover. This is the time when your child is picky about food and curious about sharing his parents’ meals.

As you prepare his meals every day, choose from a wide range of foods – the more diverse, the better.

How would your child’s eating plan look like at 12 months?

Like most toddlers, your little one would need about 1000-1400 calories a day. Here’s an example of a one-day menu for your toddler:


• A bowl of CERELAC® instant cereals

Morning snack:

• ½ cup plain yogurt

• ½ banana or 1 poached apple


• ½ cup boiled potato or cooked rice

• 30g of cooked minced meat, chicken or fish

• Poached or boiled vegetables

Afternoon snack:

• Cheese stick

• 1 whole egg or egg yolk only


• A small bowl of lentil soup with a piece of milk bread

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