Pregnancy calendar week 11

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Did you know that…?

Apr 1, 2021
1 min

The taste preferences of your baby can be influenced even from the earliest stage. For example, some aromas from your diet, such as garlic, curry, anise, banana and vanilla can cross the placenta into the amniotic fluid during pregnancy, meaning that the baby is exposed to flavors even before he or she is born.

The taste preferences of your baby can be influenced even from the earliest stage. For example, some aromas from your diet, such as garlic, curry, anise, banana and vanilla can cross the placenta into the amniotic fluid during pregnancy, meaning that the baby is exposed to flavors even before he or she is born.


In a similar way, the flavors from some foods eaten by a lactating mum find their way into her breast milk where they start influencing future preferences. Indeed, due to their early exposure to a variety of tastes, breast-fed children tend to adapt more rapidly to new foods than bottle-fed infants and tend to prefer some of the flavors they were exposed to during breastfeeding years later.

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