Corona Virus - 2019 COVID-19
Information, commitment and responsibility are our weapon, and fear is our enemy.
What is COVID-19?
• Any virus isconsidered a microbe, and it consists of protein from the inside, which is encoded the same way as our genes, it can penetrate our cells and alter its functions, causing the disease.
• The virus has a fatty outer layer that protects it (this layer can be dissolved by soup. So, soup is our weapon).
• The virus can be destroyed by temperature over 27°C, that’s why sunlight and hot drinks are important.

Is it serious?
• The problem with coronavirus is that it’s spreading rapidly to a lot of people, not because it is more serious than the other types of viruses.
• It transmits from one person to another directly (via close contact) or indirectly (through touching surfaces contaminated with a patient’s respiratory droplets when he/she coughs or sneezes).
• And because it spreads fast, over 100,000 persons got infected in a very short time.
• It originally attacks the upper respiratory tract (nose and throat) causing common cold symptoms, this happens in 80% of the cases.
• The virus can cause airways and lung inflammations, it’s rare but dangerous, especially for older people over 60, diabetic patients, hypertensive patients and kidney disease patients. These cases may need an intensive care.
So, whythere is a panic from this virus?
Lack of information:
• Because it’s a new virus, all people, starting from scientists to regular people, don’t have a clear picture about the virus yet.
• But the global health and research institutions, pharmaceutical and vaccination companies have increased their knowledge of the virus very quickly, which means that producing a drug or a vaccine is only a matter of time.
• The speed of information circulation on social media platforms for a regular person makes us receive lots of false information mixed with emotions and fear.
Is it deadly?
• 80% of coronavirus cases suffer from symptoms similar toa common cold and recover completely within two weeks. They only need a treatment to support the immune system and relieve symptoms such as common cold cases that take some time to recover.
• Coronavirus is not considered a disease with a high mortality rate. The mortality rate is around 2-3%, which is much lower than the two other diseases caused by a very similar virus (SARS, MERS) in 2003 and 2012, in which the mortality rate reached 10% and 35% respectively.
• Serious cases are mostly for those over the age of 60 (grandparents are the ones we should take a very good care of).
Who is at risk? and what are the symptoms?
• Elderly may get infected by coronavirus faster, and their cases may get serious than others.Caring for them is our priority.
• Most cases in children and young adults are mild, with symptoms similar to common cold or influenza.
• Serious cases in children are rare worldwide (2% of the total cases are under 18 years old and only 3% of them required hospitalization). This does not mean that we shouldn’t protect them, but let’s take it as an opportunity to teach them how to protect themselves from infectious diseases in general.
What are the ways of transmission?
• Through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes.
• Being close to a sick person (within a meter), that can be through hugs, kisses and gatherings in closed places.
• Touching contaminated surfaces and tools (cell phones, tables, desks, door handles ... etc.).
• Till now, there is no evidence that it can be transmitted through food, but animal products (eggs, chicken, meat, fish, etc.) are preferableto be well-cooked.
When should I be tested for the coronavirus?
If you did any of the following in the past two weeks:
• If you traveled to a country where coronavirus has spread or contacted someone who traveled to one of these countries (China, Italy, South Korea, Iran).
(The number of these countries increases by time, so travelling in general can be a risk)
• If you came in close contact with someone who was diagnosed by coronavirus later.
• If you visited hospitals or laboratories that receive coronavirus cases (such as “Fever Hospital” in Egypt).
• If you have symptoms such as: Fever, runny nose, cough (especially dry cough).
What if I experienced any of the above? What should I do?
If you above 60 years old and suffer from chronic diseases, especially chest diseases, diabetes, or hypertension… |
If you are younger than 60 and do not have chronic diseases, especially chest diseases, diabetes, or hypertension… |
Visit the nearest fever hospital.
What if I have common cold symptoms without being in contact with a coronavirus patient? What should I do then?
• Self-isolation: it means staying at home and apart from those who you are living with for at least 4 days or till the symptoms completely disappear if it’s only common cold symptoms.
• Boost your immunity:Hot drinks, gargling, rinsing your nose with salt and water, resting, inhaling steam, washing your hands with soap every hour, and following-up your symptoms.
• If the common cold persists or cough increases for more than 4 days, visit your doctor with a face mask on your face so that you do not spread any possible infections, and use sterile tissues every half an hour while you are outdoors.
Home treatment:
• All of the above tips are very important because the immune system is a stronger weapon than any medicine and we must trust and support it.
• Take an antipyretic only if high temperature causes pain in the body and head, but it can be left without treatment if you are able to tolerate it as it fightsthe virus. In case of taking an antipyretic, it is preferable to be from the paracetamol class of drugs.
• In case there is a cough or symptoms of flu, you must have your case checked by the doctor, and he will decide if you need medications such as antibiotics or antivirals according to his medical judgement.