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Outdoor Games For 4 5 Year Olds
Active Play Games For Toddlers
IMPORTANT NOTICE: The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months and continued breastfeeding for as long as possible. Growing up milks are formulated to meet nutrition needs of healthy young children older than 1 year and should not be fed to infants.
Exercise for children doesn’t have to mean working out in the gym or participating in a football game.
Playing and engaging in daily physical activities are children’s best ways to exercise, strengthen bones and muscles, improve sleep and stay healthy, fit and full of energy.
Here are some simple yet beneficial activities for children aged 1-3 years:
- Walking, running or jogging through nature.
- Pretend play and imitating animal walks and gestures.
- Bicycling or riding other age-appropriate ride-on toys.
- Dancing to loud music.
- Swimming and other water activities.
- Singing while doing funny acrobatic movements.
- Hide-and-seek anywhere inside and outside the house.
- Chasing game.
- Playing with a ball: rolling, throwing, kicking and catching.
- Rope jumping.
- Climbing.
- Participating in household chores, car cleaning and gardening.
- Park playing on swings, slides and climbing frames.
- Observing birds during walks.
As you may have noticed, toddlers’ exercises are quite simple. With a little effort, you can encourage your 2 year-old son to move around, so he will stay away from health risks associated with physical inactivity, such as heart diseases, diabetes and obesity.
Read More: How To Get Your Toddler To Be More Active?
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