لغة الإشارة لدى الأطفال

لغة الإشارة لدى الأطفال

Teaching Your Baby Sign Language

All About 0-6 Months Baby
Mar 31, 2021
2 mins

From the moment they’re born, your baby has a lot to say. Whether they’re rubbing their eyes when they’re tired to reaching their arms up when they want a cuddle, they’ve got ways to tell you how they’re feeling. Here are some baby sign language cues to look out for.

  • Ask yourself if baby’s tired. Look out for a slow build-up of grunt-like cries and rubbing eyes. 
  • Work out if they’re in pain. Often signaled with a sudden high-pitched shriek followed by a big breath and another shriek.
  • Find out if it’s colic. Watch out for regular shrieking in the late afternoon or evening for up to a few hours. Their face may become flushed, scrunched up, and they may clench their fists, draw their knees up to their tummy, or arch their back.
  • Could baby be angry? Look out for loud crying while going red in the face. 
  • Remember they might feel ignored. Yelling and shouting could be a hint. 
  • Watch out for signs of fear. Baby may freeze on the spot. 
  • Ask yourself if they’re hungry. They might be hunting for the breast or fidgeting and sucking fingers, your shoulders, or even your nose or chin! 
  • Remember they’re learning to talk. Regular babbling means they probably just want a chin wag. 
  • See if they want something. Once they learn to point, they may get good at giving instructions. 
  • Find out if they just want a cuddle. Baby will soon start to raise her arms to let you know. 
  • See if they want to play. Hiding their face behind their hands could be a good time for peekaboo. 
  • Look out for signs your baby is content—an angelic little face smiling back at you!

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