Nisrine is a Persian girls name that means “white fragrant rose”.
Girls with the name "Nisrine" are said to be moody yet have a heart of gold.
What do you think of Nisrine? Do you find it to be a beautiful name?
Niyar is an Arabic name for boys that means “strong light”.
Niyar is quite a special and unique baby name.
What’s your impression of Niyar? Could it be the best bet for your future son?
Nizar is an Arabic given name for boys that means “rare; unique”.
What do you think of Nizar? Do you find it to be a beautiful name?
A male name of Arabic origin that means noble, hero, symbolizing strength and nobility.
Noor holds a significant place in the Arab world, named for both males and females, and can be part of a compound name like Noor al-Din. It clearly means light and also the light of faith. A person turning to his Lord is said to have noor on his face. It also signifies the purity of heart and a cheerful face, as this beauty reflects on the face like light. Noor is mentioned 45 times in the Quran, such as in Surah Al-Saff, verse 8: "They want to extinguish the light of Allah with their mouths, but Allah will perfect His light." There is also a surah named Al-Noor in the Quran.
A feminine Arabic name meaning the illuminating and bright woman, guiding towards the right path opposite to misguidance. It's said noor guided the person, and it can also be written with a ha as Noorah. Noor is mentioned in the Quran without adding the alif in many Quranic verses, and there is a surah in the Quran named Surah Al-Noor in which the word noor is mentioned.