Baby Naming

Baby Naming Tool Finder

You cannot think of an idea for your baby's name or cannot decide with your partner? Let our baby names guide give you some suggestion.

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A masculine Arabic name, meaning tough, difficult, a prime man, a bull set free for breeding, a horse or camel untouched by a rope, and not ridden.

An Arabic name for males, meaning lantern, something lit from wood for illumination, and a refinery.

An Arabic name for males, meaning caring, diligent, close, high, and elevated like a high mountain.

A masculine Arabic name, one of Prophet Muhammad's names, meaning chosen. It's considered one of the most beautiful names for boys, denoting the chosen one by Allah.

A male Arabic name that means intelligent, alert, smart, among the popular names in the Arab world, symbolizing intelligence and alertness.

A male name of Arabic origin and means intelligent, keen, widely spread in the Arab world, especially the Gulf, symbolizing wisdom and intelligence.

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