Judy is an Arabic name for girls that means “giver”.
What do you think of Judy? Do you find it to be a beautiful name?
Juhainah is a girl's name of Arabic origin that means “the end of the night”.
What do you think of this name? Could it be the best bet for your future daughter?
Youthful and beautiful, denoting a woman of beauty and vivacity.
Junaid is an Arabic boy name derived from the word “Jund”, which means “partisan and devotee” in the Arabic language.
What do you think of this exceptional name? Could it be the best bet for your future son?
Juwayriya is an Arabic girl name derived from the word “Jariya” that means “the young girl” in the Arabic language.
What do you think of this charming name? Could it be the best bet for your future daughter?
Sufficiency, contentment, what is sufficient and replaces others. Often pronounced in a Turkish manner as Kafayet, but this is not correct in Arabic. Widespread in Arab countries.