A female name of Arabic origin, meaning "night journey." It refers to the Prophet Muhammad's miraculous night journey from Mecca to Jerusalem, symbolizing enlightenment and a spiritual journey.
A masculine Arabic name meaning "successful" or "victorious."
Fadela is an Arabic name for girls that means “one who’s virtuous, noble and talented with high morals”.
What do you think of Fadela? Do you find it to be a beautiful name?
Fadi is an Arabic name for boys that means “he who makes sacrifices for others”.
People with the name "Fadi" are said to be loyal, faithful, noble and unselfish.
What do you think of Fadi? Do you find it to be a beautiful name?
Fadia is an Arabic name for girls that means “she who makes sacrifices for others”.
People with the name “Fadia” are sensational and kind-hearted.
What’s your impression of Fadia? Do you find it to be a beautiful name?
Faeza is an Arabic name for girls that means “winner; victorious; successful”.
People with the name “Faeza” are perseverant, brave and well prepared to approach new challenges.
What do you think of Faeza? Do you find it to be a beautiful name?