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11 Tips For A Calm Baby Bath Time!
How Can You Make Bathtime Less Traumatic For Your Baby?
Baby’s first baths are quite overwhelming and can make you feel uncomfortable and apprehensive, especially if you’re a first-time mom.
Here’s how to make your child’s bath time an enjoyable soothing experience for both of you!
- Choose a quiet area, like the bathroom, the bedroom or the kitchen and keep it warm till your baby’s bath time.
- Prepare everything you need before you actually start. You will need: shampoo, soap, cotton balls, towel, diaper, clean clothes, body lotion, etc.
- Next to preparations, fill the bathtub with warm water ranging between 36 and 38 degrees Celsius. Always test the water temperature, using your elbow or your wrist.
- Make sure the amount of water in the bathtub doesn’t exceed 8 cm. Always mix the water with your hand before you start, to prevent cold or hot spots.
- Put the diaper change mat on the bed and cover it with a towel.
- Place your baby on the towel and undress him down to his diaper, then wrap him in the towel so he won’t catch a cold.
- Put your baby on your knees, wrapped in his towel. Use a soft cotton ball soaked in purified water to clean his face, ears, eyes and neck, paying extra attention to all the little folds under his chin and neck.
- Place your baby again on the towel and remove his diaper. Then, lift his legs carefully to clean his butt and genitals.
- Unwrap your baby and hold him firmly while you support the upper part of his back with your forearm so he won’t slip.
- Wash your baby’s hair and body with baby shampoo and cleanser.
- Lift your baby out of the bath and wrap him with his towel. After you’ve thoroughly yet gently dried him, rub his skin with baby lotion before dressing him in a new diaper and clean clothes.
And last but not least, make sure you baby’s bath time is comforting and predictable, by following a regular routine!
Read More: Diaper Rash 101
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